A labor of love is what I call this project. I've been wanting a teepee since I found out we were having C. I saw adorable pre made ones online, but they weren't the height I wanted and I figured I could handle a DIY project of this nature.
I searched Pinterest for tutorials on making my own. I found several and decided on a hybrid of ideas. Once we purchased the poles and canvas drop cloth and started putting it together I became overwhelmed. The canvas didn't hang exactly like I wanted it to. There was so much to cut off and the thought of ruining it paralyzed me. I wanted it to be perfect. For months it sat unfinished in our living room mocking me. Finally I had enough. I wanted C to be able to use it while it was still cool. I decided it was ok if it wasn't perfect because let's be honest that's the only way I was going to ever finish it. I'm actually pretty proud of the way it turned out imperfections and all. I wish I could provide a tutorial of my own but I winged it and hoped it turned out ok. C is totally digging it now and that makes it all worth it.
My advice, leave teepee making to the professionals. There is an art to it. However, if you do make one yourself don't stress about making it perfect. Just try your best.