

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Whatever Wednesday

A few weeks ago I decide to try a series of posts called Whatever Wednesday which would consist of a hodge podge of posts. I haven't been very successful, but each day is a new day to start over.

Back in February a blogger that I follow came up with an idea called Pin-spired. The reason for the challenge was to encourage her followers to share their Pinterest inspired outfits and the readers recreations. I have been doing this for the past 3 months and I decided to challenge myself this month even further. I wanted to pick a color combination and see how many outfits I could create. Each week I would pick a new color combo. First up, coral and green. I know I saw this color combination somewhere on Pinterest and realized that I loved it. After sifting through my closet I came to the realization that I had a number of items in these two colors. I was really excited to get started. Here are the outfits I created. Nothing fancy, and I liked most of them. I even got inspiration for other outfits by wearing some of the older pieces. My necklace, watch and shoes are repeated in several outfits, because well I just like them.

I am terrible at these selfie photos. Clearly I need a lesson in photographing myself. 

Next week yellow and gray combos. Any favorite color combos I should try?

The next thing I'd like to talk about is books. I've only read 3 books since Charlotte was born. I used to be an avid reader, but know I can't find the energy to do so. One book I really loved was Jodi Piccoult's Storyteller. I've been a fan of hers for years, but the last few books have been eh. However, I couldn't put this one down. I LOVED it. Another book I've beard people talking about is Gone Girl. I'm still on the waiting list at the library, which is ok since I haven't finished the last book I checked out. What are you reading now?

Friday, April 19, 2013

8 Months

8 Months

Height: 25.5 inches long; Between 25-50th percentile*
Weight: 15 lbs. 2 oz.; 10-25th percentile (with clothes on)*
Head Size: 16.5 inches; 25th percentile*
Diaper Size: Cloth diapers, second to smallest size
Clothes: Mostly 6-9 month clothes, but anything from 6-12 months can fit. Even several of your 3-6 month dresses work as shirts now. 
Sleep: You are still an awesome sleeper, going to bed around 8:00pm and sleeping through the night. When we are home you take a 1-2 hour nap in the morning and another 1-2 hour in the afternoon. 
Eating: You are still drinking milk anywhere from 5-6 times a day and the amount varies. I have been more diligent about feeding you dinner. I haven't found anything you don't like, but I'm sure that will change. As far as "real foods" you've tried chicken, fries, peaches, avocados, bananas and you love PUFFS!
Mommies Milestones: You have changed and grown so much this past month. You can know sit up on your own, go from a standing position to a seated position and you are pulling up on anything that is sturdy. You can pull into a kneeling position. Both of your bottom teeth came in and they didn't give you much trouble. You have figured out how to un-velcro your diaper. You can clap and you scream in joy. You are saying a few more syllables - da, ba pa, ma. We mostly still hear ba ba ba interspersed with other sounds. You are getting better at picking up things with your pinchers. You have taken a few steps with your stand and learn walker. You took your first run in the jogging stroller and you're done after 3 miles. You had so much fun with your cousin Harper when she visited and kept looking for her several days after she left. We love seeing your personality develop. You are so happy and haven't met anyone you don't like. 

*Stats are from last appointment

8 Month Favorites

1. Inglesina High Chair - We spent a great deal of time searching for a high chair. I didn't want a traditional high chair since we have a counter height table, plus they are kind of obtrusive. It was difficult to find one that would work with our table since it has a lip, but I really like this one. It attaches easily to the table and washes nicely. 
2. Skip Hop Water Bottle - I like this water bottle because it has a straw. We tried another sippy cup and C didn't like it. Plus this bottle matches our bib and lunchbox. 
3. V-Tech Sit to Stand Learning Walker - This was a surprisingly great purchase. C loves the lights and sounds and uses it to practice standing. She has even taken a few steps on her own pushing the walker. 
4. PUFFS - Ahh, solid foods. C loves puffs and they are easy to travel with for lunch. They are also helping her practice her pincher grasp. 
5. Jogging Stroller - We found the JEEP jogging stroller on Craigslist and I couldn't be happier. It works well. If you plan on running, I highly recommend getting a jogging stroller. I will say that I am glad we have a regular stroller for every day use. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


My heart is truly broken remembering the events that happened in Boston yesterday. As a fellow runner, I think about the 10+ distance races I've been a part of and the exhilarating feeling that race day brings. I can't imagine what anyone there experienced. I've been to Boston several times and stayed at the Fairmont near the finish line. The outpouring of support shows what a great nation we are in times of tragedy. 

In the past 24 hours we have seen/heard first hand reports of the tragedy and praise for the first responders. We have been told the number the number of deaths and injuries. We are angry and outraged at the person(s) responsible for these acts. However, I am also deeply saddened for other reasons.

In the past few weeks another tragedy has plagued our nation. And that tragedy is the illegal abortions that have been performed over the last 20ish years by Dr. Gosnell. I know he has been in the news before for some of his actions, but I am just now becoming aware of him. This isn't a political rant. It doesn't matter what side of the issue you are on, this should outrage, disgust and sadden all of us. Bottom line what he was doing was illegal. 

I feel one of the things wrong with our society is what the media decides to report. The majority of us get our news from the national and local media or Facebook and if something isn't talked about on a major news source it's swept under the rug. I realize that there are other stories most of us hear nothing about because no one wants to talk about it. It saddens me that horrific things like this are happening everyday. I pray that we not only stand as a nation when shootings and bombings happen, but when any innocent life is taken. 

Friday, April 05, 2013

Pinterest Thursday

At my MOPS group last month we made Menu Boards that recently made the circuit on Pinterest. For families who plan out their meals in advance these boards are a cute and cheap way to announce meals for the week. In total the project cost approximately $4. Since we planned to make 45 we were able to buy in bulk and keep the cost down.

Cookie Sheet @ dollar store
Sheets of scrapbook paper
Bottle caps @ amazon

I later added the notepad and clothespin. The boards are very versatile and are customizable to your needs.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

April Pin-spired

It's April 1st (or April 3) and that means it's Pin-spired outfit day! I'm linking up with Shay over at Mix & Match Family. She's adorable and if you haven't read her blog yet, you need to. Ok, onto the outfits.

Two things I'm loving right now are anything mint and yellow (neon)/gray combo. I went through a yellow and gray phase a few years ago and I'm happy to re-wear several items in my closet.

First Outfit

My version..


Yes, it has been warm enough to wear shorts here in SD. I scored both of these pairs on sale at J-Crew a few weeks ago. 

The next outfits combine a few pins...


I love this color combo and how versatile these pieces are!

Between now and next month I'll work on my photographing skills. What outfits inspire you?

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Happy Easter!

I'm not going to lie, I was stoked for Easter this year. Mainly because I was so excited to get matching outfits for me and Little Miss. I am also very thankful for the true meaning of this season. Jesus Rocks!

David and I have been church hunting since we arrived here, but weren't having much luck finding a place we felt comfortable. Two weeks ago, we visited a church and really enjoyed it and I was so happy that we would have a place to worship at on Easter. Charlotte being the flirt that she is, made friends both weeks. We are planning to continue visiting the church in the coming weeks.

After church we headed home for a family photo shoot and lunch. The weather was beautiful and are pics turned out beautiful. After watching b-ball and taking a nap we went out for frozen yogurt.

Here is a photo dump of the day.

Our traditional holiday photo op.
The Easter goodies.
The outfits. 
The Girl!

Me and my girl!

The fam.

Exploring her Easter basket. 

I am in love with this picture. 

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