

Friday, March 29, 2013

Pinterest Thursday

Last night I made a Tortellini Soup my sister told me she found through Pinterest. I had seen a different tortellini soup recipe, but before I embarked on making the crockpot version I decided to check out my sister recommendation to see if they were the same. They weren't and her's looked better so I tried it. I had everything in my pantry already. It was so delicious. I highly recommend giving it a try and it's super easy to make. Click on the link above to access the recipe.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Whatever Wednesday

I'm starting a new post series called whatever Wednesdays. My blog is already a mish-mash of topics transitioning into a mommy blog. To organize my thoughts I'm giving this series a try.

Meet Up
I was introduced to Meet Up through my hairdresser. She has a daughter several months older than Charlotte. She's newer to the SD area and mentioned that she found a mommy group, as a way to meet other moms, through Meet Up. After she explained to me what the app/website was she invited me to join the mommy group she's a apart of. I was surprised to say the least since I had just meet her through a recommendation of a friend.

Anyhow when I got home I downloaded the app and started checking out the groups. If you are unfamiliar with Meet Up, like I was, it's a way to meet people with like interests in your area.
I found the group I was told about but haven't joined it yet. I'm still deciding if it's a commitment I want to make. I did find a mommy running group that I have joined. For my first group it seemed less intense. I would recommend the app/website to anyone who is new to an area. It's giving me the motivation I need to start working out.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

St. Patrick's Day!

Ok, get ready for cuteness overload. It's not a holiday around here without a photo shoot. I only do the major holiday's and I can hardly keep up with them. Here are some pics from our latest session. 

For those interested I did make C's onesie appliqués. There are the same flowers I use for her hair bows, but smaller. I think it turned out cute. 

I posted several other pics from St. Patrick's Day when my family was here on this post. I still miss them. I made up goodie bags for the girls and gave everyone else smaller presents to celebrate. I can still remember when I was younger and we would come home and my mom or dad would leave Leprechaun footprints all over the house leading each of us to our rooms where a treat was waiting for us. I want to continue this tradition with my own kids. She also made cornbeef and cabbage, but I haven't decided if I want to continue that tradition or not. I never looked forward to dinner on St. Pattty's Day. The candy bags were of course Pinterest inspired. 

Below is our decor table dressed up for the holiday. To download the FREE subway art, click here

There is one other reason St. Patrick's Day is special to me. 10 years ago David and I went on our first date to Chipotle on St. Patrick's Day. We have tried to continue this tradition every year that we can. The past 2 years David has been out of the country on St. Patrick's Day so we haven't been able to celebrate. This year we were planning to take my family to the "Chip", but it didn't work out. So, we went on our date last week for dinner. I looked for a picture from that day, but it's in one of the scrapbooks at my in-laws house. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring Break!

I've been looking forward to spring break for several months now. Not because of the sand and surf, but because my family was planning to visit. While my niece still flies for free I encouraged my sister and mom to come visit me over spring break. When we planned the trip there was no way of knowing the kind of winter they were about to endure. They left STL with the threat of a snowstorm and landed in Cali to sun. I would have loved for the weather to have been warmer, but we enjoyed it nonetheless. Here's several pics from the trip.

After brunch in La Jolla. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Visiting the Hotel del Coronado.


Harper loved the sand. 
Harper had no fear of the ocean. The waves knocked her over several times and she still wanted more. Mom had enough after the second or third time she went under. 

Bath time.
Matching Outfits
Petting the goats. 

Tired after a long day at the Zoo.
Harper loved the park. 

Charlotte loved the swing. 
Harper preferred climbing up the slide instead of going down.  
Future musicians?
Hoppy Easter from two little bunnies. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

7 Months Old

7 Months Old

Height: 25.5 inches long; Between 25-50th percentile*
Weight: 15 lbs. 2 oz.; 10-25th percentile (with clothes on)
Head Size: 16.5 inches; 25th percentile*
Diaper Size: Cloth diapers, second to smallest size
Clothes: Some 3-6 month clothes and transitioning to 6-9 month clothes
Sleep: You are still an awesome sleeper, going to bed around 8:00pm and sleeping through the night. When we are home you take a 1-2 hour nap in the morning and another 1-2 hour in the afternoon. 
Eating: You drink 6 oz. of milk every 3-4 hours and are eating pureed baby food. You gobble up everything we give you.
Mommies Milestones: You are growing like a weed. You can pull yourself into a standing position using your activity cube and you look around to make sure we see you. We transitioned you into your new big girl stroller seat. You now have twice as much room to move around. Since you have mastered sitting up (you haven't actually gotten yourself into a sitting position on your own yet) you can sit in the big kids chairs at restaurants, but not in shopping carts just yet. You like to drink out of a straw, but you're not really fond of water. You can say Ba Ba and several other indistinguishable sounds. You went on a series of play dates and joined the MOPS nursery. 

7 Month Favorites

No new toys this month, but we are loving the mint-a-licious color that says spring is right around the corner. 

*Based on 6 Month check-up

Thursday, March 07, 2013

So Far Behind

Well, February came and went and I only posted twice. We had an eventful month so there are many things to post, but not enough time to write. I'll capture Valentine's Day in a different post but, here's what we've been up to thus far.

We had a visit from grandpa, several play dates, MOPS meetings, holidays and a trip to LA. Here are a few photos to catch you up.

Dinner date with mommy and daddy. 

I'm a BIG girl!

At Santa Monica Pier. 


My first time in a chair. 

Pin-spired March Edition

I have pinned so many outfit inspirations on Pinterest that I was excited when I came across a blog post enouraging us pinners out there to finally put those pins to work. You can get Pin-spired each month too.

Here are the outfits I re-created.

Gray and anything go together, but I love the way these two work together. 

Next outfit..

Chambray shirt paired with leggings and scarf. 

Next Outfit..

The always classic red, black and polka dots.

Final Outfit...

 Mint colored jeans and neutral sweater. 

Me and my mini me.

I love the mint color this season and have so many ideas and color combos, inspired of course by Pinterest. If you like these styles feel free to follow me on Pinterest.

Valentine's Day Part One

Valentine's Day this year was so much fun! I had a great time decorating and making several pins from Etsy. Here's a few pictures from the decorations.

Download the Subway Art print here for FREE! I created it after looking for similar ones to download. 

I know Charlotte has no clue about Valentine's Day, but I had a great time dressing her up for several photoshoots (post coming later), shopped for her gifts and made dinner for the family.

Lunch date with mommy, next a visit to daddy's work. 

The loot minus mommy's gift. Valentine's card and daddy's cup idea were both from Pinterest. 

Valentine's card


We are extremely blessed!

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