

Saturday, December 15, 2012

4 Months Old

Baby girl, I can't believe you are 4 months old already. While this wasn't the most exciting month for me, you continue to amaze me with how much you are growing.

4 Months

Height: 24 inches long; 50th percentile
Weight: 12 lbs. 9 oz.; 15th percentile
Head Size: 16 inches; 50th percentile
Diaper Size: Cloth diapers, smallest size
Clothes: 0-3 month pants fit best, but you are transitioning to 3-6 month clothes
Sleep: Your bedtime is 8:00 pm, Yes! And you are sleeping through the night until 8:00 am. Once in awhile you will wake up for a nightly feeding. Your nap schedule however is a totally different story, it's all over the place. I do have a confession. When you are particularly cranky at night I play a song from Breaking Dawn - A Thousand Years - and it soothes you.
Eating: You still eat every 2-3 hours. The doctor suggested we start you on food. We haven't decided if we are going to or not.
Mommies Milestones: You are all over the place nowdays. You can roll over both ways and you have recently started rolling from your tummy to your back. You have started to hold your bottle, but you haven't mastered holding it upright. You are smiling and laughing up a storm, but you haven't started giggling just yet. You hold your own head up so it's been much easier to tote you around. You also love to be held upright. You have started to cover your face with your blankets. You haven't mastered moving the blanket off your face. It's time to play Peek-A-Boo. You are trying to crawl and I'm assuming it will only be a matter of weeks until you are officially mobile and the baby proofing will begin.

4 Month Favorites

1. Foscam - I love this video monitor. It's not your typical baby monitor, actually it's not an official baby monitor but it does the same thing plus its cheaper that the standard video monitors. And we can control view C from our iPhones and iPAD. The only thing it doesn't have is sound, but I think you can upgrade the app and pay for sound or just listen to her from the other room. BTW- we purchased a separate sound monitor for nighttime. 
2. LAMAZE Pull Toy - This is another great toy we have added to our collection. It rattles, crinkles, pulls, etc and C love to put each piece of it in her mouth. 
3. Bumbo - You either love it or hate it and even after the recalls I still love it. Yes, we have the safety strap, but to be honest I don't like it. I think the "after market" ones are awful. It has definitely helped her to sit up. 
4. Bum Genius - We took the plunge and tried cloth diapering. I was skeptical at first, but I really like them and I think they are pretty much low maintenance. 
5. Planet Wise Wet/Dry Bag - If you are using cloth diapers this bag is a must for carrying your dirty diapers while you are shopping or traveling. 

What favorites have you come across?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas Card

Photo Card
View the entire collection of cards.

Photo Card

Berry Merry Christmas
Quick and easy: Christmas photo cards at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Pinterest Thursday

I'm a few days late again, but here's my current Pinterest re-make project I've been working on. I can't find the actual pin where I first saw this, but I was intrigued and set up to recreate it.

I've wanted to buy closet dividers for C's closet ever since we moved. I found some on Etsy, but they were expensive and I figured if I waited long enough I would find a way to make them. I set off to Walmart and found my supplies - craft foam and decorations. I had planned on cutting the foam to size but I found foam door hangers in the craft section and thought they would be perfect for this project and they were.

If you don't have the time or patience for this craft I found the plastic ring dividers at the Container Store.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Cloth Diapers

My parents used cloth diapers with us when we were babies and I never imagined that I would be using them too. The whole process disgusted me. Here I am 20+ years later and I'm using cloth diapers. They have come along way since the foldable cloth, pins, and waterproof panties. Oh wait, they are basically them same with different closures and fabric.

I first heard about the "reinvention" of cloth diapers several years ago when our friends from church all started having babies and were planning on using them. After seeing them in action I thought those aren't so bad and the new designs were adorable. When my sister announced that she was pregnant and planning on using them I almost lost it and decided I would give her a couple months before they switched to disposables. I don't think they use them all the time, due to their sitter, but ....  she lasted longer than I expected.

When we found out we were pregnant I told David that I wanted to give them a try. If other people I knew could handle it, so could we. However once we started using the disposables I was scared hesitant to transition C to them. We decided to wait until we moved to start using them since our old apartment did not have a w/d in the unit. I put off washing them for a few weeks after we moved in, but it's been a month now and things are going well. I don't find them to be difficult and I can coordinate them to match most of C's outfits which make things fun. We use the Bum Genius brand. I haven't tried other brands as these have worked for us. We were fortunate enough to be able to touch and feel all of the diapers at Cotton Babies. They only have three actual stores and two of them happen to be in St. Louis. Every time we go home, we make a trip there. I also love their website since they have free shipping.

Here's a pic of C in her diaper.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thanksgiving Pinterest - Part 2

I had good intentions to decorate our place for Thanksgiving, but my efforts proved futile as I didn't get them completed in time, but I still had to take pictures of the finished products. 

The first couple of pictures showcase the burlap banner I created after seeing a similar Pinterest idea. 

The adorable bow was featured a couple weeks ago in another Pinterest post. 

And this cute whimsical pine cone is made out of felt. I really like the way they turned out, but they took FOREVER to make. I had wanted to make some in colors to match our Christmas ornaments but I will save the time and paint real pine cones. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Pinterest: Part 1

This was second Thanksgiving of my marriage that I cooked dinner. Yes, the second time I cooked. David and I have either eaten out or been with others for Thanksgiving. And because it was usually just the two of us we never felt like preparing the traditional dinner. But, since our family expanded to three this year we decided to cook. However I did entertain the idea of eating out for a day or two.

Again since only two of us would be eating we decided on a simple menu - Cornish Hens, Sweet Potatoes, Stuffing and Rolls. We tried three different recipes for our dinner two of which came from Pinterest. I also made Sweet Potato Humus, but since our food processor broke in the middle of making it we abandoned the project and it now sits in the refrigerator. I also had plans to make chocolate chip and pumpkin muffins for dessert, but that didn't happen either. I did however make Pumpkin Bread Pudding for breakfast which ended up as dessert as well. I would recommend all of the recipes we tried.

Stove Top Stuffing
Cornish Hens

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pinterest Thursday (Friday)

I cannot claim this adorable idea as my own, but I am in love with it. And it's timely for Thanksgiving.

The step by step tutorial can be found on this blog. I recently started following her and she shares some great ideas. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

3 Month Favorites

My mom told me this was her favorite month. At first I didn't understand. Charlotte wasn't doing anything different and then it happened - smiles, coos, rolling, attitude. Yes, I said attitude. Girl is a DIVA.
Here's what C's been up to this month.

3 Months

Height: 23 inches long; 90th percentile*
Weight: 9 lbs. 9 oz.; b/w 25th & 50th percentile*
Head Size: 15.4 inches; b/w 75th & 90th percentile*
Diaper Size: Size 1 and transitioning to cloth diapers.
Clothes: 0-3 Month clothes.
Sleep: You have started to sleep through the night. Well if sleeping from 12pm-6am counts as sleeping through the night. We are trying to break you of this habit by getting you to bed earlier, it's been a challenge but moving to PDT has helped. 
Eating: You still eat every 2-3 hours. At night you have a ravenous appetite at night and mommy is trying to keep up with you. 
Mommies Milestones: You have grown leaps and bounds this month. You have rolled over a few times. You kick up a storm. You hate having things cover your legs. You are grabbing and trying to hold toys. You have discovered your arm and hands and suck on them. You are drooling up a storm. You have started saying hoo like an owl. We love to hear you talk. You turn your head toward voices and are starting to follow objects. 

*We still haven't been to the doctor so I don't have update stats. I know, I know I'm a bad mom. 

3 Month Favorites

1. Activity Mat - Since C has been more interested in objects this mat was a great addition to her playtime and tummy time. It keeps her entertained for periods of time. 
2. Baby Oil - We realized this month that C developed craddle cap. She's either always had it or her hair had been covering it. The baby oil helped to tame it. 
3. Bath tub - Everyone has their favorite bathtub or any bath tub, but we have found this one to work for us. We just purchased it this month, but I would like to have had it sooner. 
4. Aden + Anais Bibs - The drooling has only just begun and I really like this bib. It goes completely around the neck and catches the drool.
5. TV - I feel like a bad mom for putting my child in front of the tv, but the lights and sounds entertain her and I'm able to get stuff done around the house. 
6. O Ball Rattle - C loves this ball. It might be the bright red color, the rattles or the fact that she can stick her hand and tongue through the holes. It's entertaining to watch. 

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Pinterest Thursday

I'm starting a new series on my blog called Pinterest Thursdays. If you are like me and are addicted to Pinterest you also may share my fascination with pinning things in the hope that someday you'll have a chance to recreate those pins. In an effort to help me try my pins and encouraging blogging I'm planning to post my encounters with my pins.

I'm going to start out with a few recipes that I've tried and review them. Check out my entire food board  here.

Since we moved to CA I've been trying to cook and try new recipes. This past week alone we've tried out three recipes. The first one was Jalapeño Beer Cheese Soup. I'm not a fan of beer and thus I was reluctant to try this recipe but everything else about it sounded delicious.  And despite the warm temperatures we've been having soup was just what we needed on Sunday night. In addition to the soup I made Pretzel bites with cheese sauce. I've made these before and love them.

On Monday night I made Creamy Chicken Piccata. It's from the Pioneer Women. The other thing  I would change would be to use less lemon. Overall it was pretty tasty. I don't have a picture of this dish.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

2 Month Favorites

Well I'm totally behind again. But don't worry the 3 month favorites will be up soon. Since we were moving and didn't see your doctor for your two month wellness checkup most of your stats remain the same.

2 Month Stats

Height: 23 inches long; 90th percentile
Weight: 9 lbs. 9 oz.; b/w 25th & 50th percentile
Head Size: 15.4 inches; b/w 75th & 90th percentile
Diaper Size: Size 1
Clothes: You have transitioned into the 0-3 month clothes, but you are still wearing several newborn dresses as shirts.
Sleep: You sleep for 4-6 hour stretches at night and sometimes longer.
Eating: You eat every 2-3 hours still and are eating more at each feeding.
Mommies Milestones: You have discovered hair and love to pull on your own and mommy's. You have started cooing and we love that you are beginning to communicate. You smile at people's faces. You are holding your head up.

2 Month Favorites

Here are our 2 month favorites. 

1. Rattles - You aren't quite into toys yet, but this was a great distraction on our drive across the country. 
2. Cloud B Giraffe - Since you are used to a noisy sleeping environment, this has been great for helping you get to and stay asleep in strange places. 
3. Burp Cloths - I've tried several burp cloths, even tried to make them, but I found that cloth diapers worked best. You can buy them cheap at Cotton Babies. I plan to pretty them up soon.
4. Dr. Brown Bottles - We introduced bottles pretty early on and like these, especially the pink ones (not pictured). We haven't tried any other brands.
5. Bouncer - C hated this at first but she enjoys it now. It has been a lifesaver while packing and unpacking. 

What are your favorites??

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

1 Month

Charlotte I can't believe you are already 1 month old, or 6 weeks as of this post (that was when I originally started it and you are now 11 weeks old.)

1 Month Stats

Height: 23 inches long; 90th percentile
Weight: 9 lbs. 9 oz.; b/w 25th & 50th percentile
Head Size: 15.4 inches; b/w 75th & 90th percentile
Diaper Size: Newborn, but we are transitioning to size 1.
Clothes: You are wearing your newborn clothes and some 0-3 month clothes.
Sleep: You sleep for 2-4 hour stretches at night, but you've been sleeping longer recently.
Eating: You eat ever 2-3 hours. It was a rough go at first but you've been gaining weight steadily.
Mommies Milestones: You are getting good at holding your head up. You rolled onto your side almost immediately. You are starting to hold onto things. You love sleeping on mommy's chest and mommy loves it too. You started smiling when you sleep.

1 Month Favorites

I thought I would share some of my favorite things that have been helpful with Charlotte during her first month. I got the idea from another blogger I've recently started following. I first found her on Pinterest because of her maternity photos. 

1. Moby Wrap - This has been a great addition to our baby stuff because Charlotte fits snuggly into it and I can walk around while keeping her close. 
2. Mombo - Great for breastfeeding. This one has a vibrating function, but we rarely use it. If I was going to recommend a breastfeeding pillow to anyone I would recommend My Breastfriend. I used it at a lactation consultant's office and I appreciated the back support it offered. 
3. Lansinoh breast milk bags - These are great for freezing excess breast milk. 
4. Boon Grass - This has been a terrific for drying breast pump parts and bottles. Highly recommend it and the fun flower and twigs that go with it.
5. WubbaNub - C loves her monkey. The wubbanub is supposed to help the pacifier stay in better. 
6. SwaddleMe - Another favorite to help C sleep at night and keep her toasty. It beats trying to swaddle her the old fashion way. 

What are your favorites??

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Introducing Charlotte Lucy

I found out pretty early that I was pregnant with our first child. I've always had a pretty regular periods so when I was a few days late we took a pregnancy test and this was the result.

David I were estactic! I was super excited because our first child would be close in age to their cousins. Since we found out a few weeks before Christmas we decided to take our parents out to dinner and surprise them with the first ultrasound photos. The grandparents started crying once they realized what the gift was. Other than my sister who I just had to tell, no one else found out until the 2nd trimester. Since my mom and sister both went early on their first babies I was hoping to delivery early too. But as we approached the 39 weeks I was convinced C was staying in there for ever. It's a good thing she decided to stay in as long as she did since David was out of town taking the Bar 5 days before her arrival. I had my diaper bag packed a week before C arrived. I made sure to have all the essentials: toiletries and makeup, several outfits for baby, sleepers, a dress for me and a top/shorts, lounge pants, nursing cover and nipple cream, socks and snacks.

On the evening of July 31 I started showing signs that C's arrival might be sooner than I was expecting.  By that I mean that I started noticing the "bloody show". The next day at work, yes I was planning to work through that Friday, I mentioned to my co-worker and boss that I started having signs that labor might be near. No way did I think it would be as early as that night. I stayed at work pretty late that night trying to finish projects. Around 7:30 pm I decide it was time to wrap things up and head home. I was exhausted. It was Chick-fil-a appreciation day but I was too tired to stop by.

When I got home I went directly to the couch. About an hour after I arrived home I started having what I thought were painful cramps. I didn't think much of it until I started having them pretty regularly. I tried to nap but that wasn't happening. Around 11 pm the cramps had become more regular and David and I decided to go for a walk. I was convinced that it was just cramps and not contractions, but David thought otherwise.  We started timing the contractions during our walk and realized they were coming every 10-15 minutes. They were getting stronger and I realized that C might make an appearance earlier than we expected. Once we were back at the apartment we thought we should get some rest in case we were in for a long day.

Of course I didn't sleep much and around 3:00 am I was woken up with the contractions coming closer together. My doctor told me that we should come in either when my water broke or when the contractions were 5 minutes apart for over an hour. It's a good thing the Olympics were on to distract me during the contractions. We blew up my work out ball and I tried bouncing on it during the contractions. It helped slightly, but the contractions still hurt. We also pulled out a tennis ball to massage on my lower back. After an hour the contractions had progressed to 3-5 minutes apart but were only lasting 30 seconds. I went ahead and called my doctor's office and let them know what was happening. They told me to go ahead and go to the hospital. I e-mailed my co-workers letting them know that I might not be in to work.

Once we arrived around 4:30 am I was admitted to triage and spent the next 4-5 hours hooked up to monitors and getting through the contractions. I was determined to go without the epidural for as long as possible. The nurse in triage said that I was already 5 centimeters and I figured I could survive if I was already that far long. Around 9:00 am we were finally sent up to L&D where I met my nurses. I'm pretty sure one of them was named Laura and I can't remember the other nurse. Soon after we arrived the midwife came by to check on me. She checked my cervix and informed me that I was only 5 centimeters along. What?? Wasn't I 5 centimeters along 3 hours ago? This is when I started debating whether or not I should go ahead and get the epidural. She came back in several minutes later to break my water. That was an experience. After my water broke the contractions felt much stronger. During all this one of my sister's friends who works at the hospital came by to see us. She wasn't my nurse but it was nice to see someone I knew.

 After laboring for another hour or so I decided to go ahead and get the epidural. They made David leave for the procedure, which we both thought was weird but it gave David a break and chance to get coffee. I almost immediately felt relief and was able to sleep for about an hour. I was no longer in "pain" but I could still feel the contraction's pressure. Another hour or so passed and my contractions had slowed so they gave me pitocin to speed them up. After the pitocin kicked in I progressed fast. It was only 3 hours after the epidural that it was time to push.

I had a student shadow my doctor through my delivery. They did ask if it was ok before she came in. At this point what was one more person looking at my hoha. The nurses were great as the told me when to push. I could usually feel the pressure so I typically knew when, but I was glad they were there. David wasn't able to stand seeing me in pain so he stayed back towards my head and fed me ice chips between contractions. I pushed for about 45 minutes before I felt her slide out. I was asked if I wanted to feel her head or cut the cord, since David couldn't, but I declined. Looking back I kinda wished I would have, but at that point I was exhausted. I couldn't believe we were finally parents.

They took C to clean and check her. Her proud papa had the camera ready to capture her first moments of life. 

Newborn Stats: 
Height: 21 inches long
Weight: 7 lbs. 12 oz. 
Head Size: 13.4 inches 

 The doctor finished up putting me back together and we tried nursing for the first time. You were a natural, but also rather sleepy and closed your eyes almost immediately. We spent another hour in L&D  before moving to our permanent room on the postpartum floor.

We spent the next day and a half getting to know you before taking you home. Your Greer grandparents drove 9 hours to visit you and were so excited to meet you.

 Once we got home, we couldn't leave you alone. On our first night away from the hospital daddy slept outside your pack-n-play to make sure your were breathing.
We LOVE you Charlotte Lucy Greer and are proud to be your parents.

Friday, September 14, 2012


I haven't written a post about David in awhile, but he's very much deserving of one.

Since the moment Charlotte or Charlie was born he has doted on her. Always the first one to pick her up when she cried, willing to change any diaper and constantly showering her with compliments and I love yous. He's one proud papa taking her up to school and the post office to show her off. Yes, I said the post office. David makes friends where ever he goes and the ladies at the post office love him. It could have something to do with his name - David Alan Greer.

I'm so thankful that David is able to spend this time with our baby girl especially since he'll be working long hours when he starts his job in late October. I mean how many dads, unless they are SAHD, get to spend the first 3 months of their babies lives with them.

I love you David Greer and so does Charlotte.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

40 Weeks

40 Weeks

As I mentioned in my last post, Charlotte made her appearance before her due date, but I wanted to post a "40 Week" post. So instead of posting info about the pregnancy I thought I would document some of the things that happened during your birthday month/week.

1. Number 1 song of the week: Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen
2. Biggest sporting event: London Olympics
3. Number 1 movie of the week: The Dark Knight Rises
4. One of the hottest summers on record.
5. Number 1 book (USA Today) of the week: Fifty Shades of Grey

Maternity Photos

The last trimester of my pregnancy I did not like the way I looked. I know, call it vanity, but I was extremely puffy in my hands, feet and face and I the last thing I felt was pretty. I didn't like pictures or "dressing up".

However I wanted pregnancy photos to document the occasion. We used a STL based photographer Cindy Lee Photography. She took my sister's wedding, maternity and newborn photos and I like her work. I enjoy taking my own photos, but it was extremely nice to have some else behind the camera. Despite the 90+ degree weather, at 9:00 in the morning, the photos turned out great. Anyone looking for a photographer in STL I would highly recommend Cindy.

Monday, August 13, 2012

39 Weeks - Coming Soon

39 Weeks 

I didn't get a chance to record my stats this week since baby girl made her appearance at 39w1d. I did want to capture this photo since I forgot to include it in my maternity photo shoot. 

37-38 Weeks

37-38 Weeks

How far along? 38 Weeks
Total weight gain: 33 lbs. Seriously another 3 lbs??
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? None.
Sleep: It's starting to get rough, but I can't complain. 
Best moment this week: The start of the Olympics. Baby do you want to come out so I can watch the Olympics all day long?
Miss Anything? Eating without getting acid reflux, sleeping on my stomach and back.
Movement: Elbows and knees sticking out. 
Food cravings: Chocolate.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.
Gender: Team Pink
Labor Signs: Minor cramping. 75% thinned. 
Symptoms: Swelling in the hands and feet. 
Belly Button in or out? Out.
Wedding rings on or off? On, but my hands are beginning to swell. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. 

How far along? 37 Weeks
Total weight gain: 30 lbs. A week without weight gain, wa-hoo! Let's keep it that way. 
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? None.
Sleep: It's starting to get rough.
Best moment this week: My parents coming to stay with me while David took the bar!
Miss Anything? Sitting for periods of time without getting stiff. My stomach not knocking everything over. 
Movement: Elbows and knees sticking out. 
Food cravings: Candy
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, but lots of heartburn and acid reflux.
Gender: Team Pink
Labor Signs: Minor cramping. 50% thinned. 
Symptoms: Extreme swelling in my feet at the end of the day. 
Belly Button in or out? The top is out. 
Wedding rings on or off? On, but my hands are beginning to swell. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. 

34 - 36 Weeks

36 Weeks

How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain: 30 lbs. Really???
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? None.
Sleep: Not always comfortably.
Best moment this week: Seeing our baby again on the ultrasound. She is head first. Yeah. 
Miss Anything? Rolling over, bending over and breathing.
Movement: More rolls and scrapes. 
Food cravings: Nothing.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.
Gender: Team Pink
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Extreme swelling in my feet at the end of the day. 
Belly Button in or out? The top is out. 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.

                                                                           35 Weeks

How far along? 35 Weeks
Total weight gain: 27 lbs. 
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? None.
Sleep: Waking up at least once a night to pee. 
Best moment this week: Shower in STL and maternity pics!!
Miss Anything? Sleep.
Movement: Knees and legs still in ribs. 
Food cravings: Chinese.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.
Gender: Team Pink
Labor Signs: None.
Symptoms: Swollen feet, I mean really swollen.
Belly Button in or out? The top is really out. 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. 

34 Weeks

How far along? 34 Weeks
Total weight gain: 27 lbs. 
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? None.
Sleep: Waking up at least once a night. 
Best moment this week: Celebrating baby Greer with my small group. 
Miss Anything? Not being able to see below my tummy. 
Movement: More rolls and scrapes. 
Food cravings: Nothing.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.
Gender: Team Pink
Labor Signs: Minor cramps.
Symptoms: Swollen feet
Belly Button in or out? The top is out. 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. 
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