

Monday, January 25, 2010

Show Us Your Life....Favorite Shopping Places

I read my friend's blog over the weekend, and loved the post. I was born to be a shopper. I LOVE SHOPPING. Thankfully my husband indugles me and we have lived next to a mall since we moved to DC. I walk through the PC Mall on my way to and from work. I have a hard time paying full price for clothes. I sign up for every discount program and obessively check scour the Web for coupons before I buy anything. Here are a few of my favorite shopping locals right now.


the Loft

When the following are having sales I enjoy them too.



I also enjoy Banana Republic, Target, Limited, & Forever 21 (mainly for cheap accessories).

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sunday Church Attire

Growing up I attended a conversative Baptist church. On Sunday mornings I wore skirts or dresses and was only allowed to wear pants/jeans on Sunday nights. I was never allowed to wear shorts on Sundays. Shorts were reserved for Wednesday nights during the summer.

We left that church when I was in 8th grade and began attending church where I went to school. My mom grew more lenient with me and started allowing me to wear dress pants on Sundays. At my pre-teen age I actually liked wearing "short" skirts to church. My school dress code required us to wear long skirts or uniform pants. Not attractive.

In college, now that I was on my own, I continued to dress up for church. My mom's voice ringing in my ear, "You do not wear jeans to church on Sunday mornings." At this point I was ok with dressing up for church. Clothes had come along way since my youth and it was finally fun to dress up for church. My best friend always wore jeans to church. She wasn't one for all the fru-fru skirts and dresses required in most churches. Under her "influence" I would occasionally test the waters and wear jeans to church. I felt like I was sinning. It felt really weird to wear jeans to church on Sunday mornings.

Fast forward 5 years and I can be seen sporting jeans to church on a regular basis. I still feel weird when I wear them, but I get over it pretty quickly. I bring this topic up because I wore jeans to church on Sunday. It's amazing how much "church" has changed over my lifetime. When I was little I would never imagined wearing jeans to a Sunday morning service. You wouldn't be caught dead in them. That's completely changed now. I realized there are still some churches where it's not acceptable for women to wear jeans to church on Sundays, but I'm glad that I attend a church where it's ok. Don't read too much into this, it doesn't mean that the church is lenient on all issues.

When I have kids, they will dress up for church. I think it shows respect and is an appropriate learning experience for children. I may let them wear jeans now and then, but they'll start with dresses and khakis.

What is your Sunday morning church style?

Monday, January 11, 2010

New Years Resolutions

When the new year rolls around, I see it as an opportunity to set new goals for myself. I don't make new years resolutions, but I do like to have specific goals for the year. In the past I have done things like read 52 books in a year, run 500 miles, and read the Bible in a year. I've been able to accomplish them all, except reading the Bible. Last year I didn't make any goals. I wanted to see how the year would go if didn't set goals for myself. It went pretty well, but I felt that I need to make goals again this year.

In 2008, I decided to do one thing every day for a month. It was fun to try out different things throughout the year. This year I'm doing the same thing. To start the year off right I've decided to read the Bible every day in January. I'm hoping that it will continue throughout the rest of the year. Another month will be blogging every day. Another one will be running every day or taking photos every day. If anyone has suggestions on what I should do for a month send your thoughts my way.

What goals or resolutions did you make?

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Holiday Favorites

I made a committment to myself to be better at blogging this year. For the few of you who do follow me watch out.

Returning to the 5-Day work week was extremely difficult this week. Could this week be going any slower? To top it off all my friends/family in STL are getting multiple snow days. In five year of working I have only had one snow and I missed it because we were in KC.

David and I had a fabulous time visiting with friends and family in Missouri over the holidays.

Here are some of my favorite pics.

Hanging out with the Chapins. We went to see Up In the Air at the AMC Cinema Suites. Best movie theater ever. You order dinner and sit in recliners.

Hanging out with Yohan and Hanna on the Plaza.

Hanging out with college friends.

We took my niece and nephew to the City Museum for the day. I hadn't been there in years. They have add a new section that was part of an old shoe factory and added stuff to the roof. The roof an the outdoor sections were closed thanks to the rain. We also meet of with DC friends. Tori is actually from STL but instead of going to the best state school around she opted to attend TCU. Afterwards we ate at the famous dinner Crown Candy. The milkshakes were delicious.

On Christmas Eve I meet up with some high school friends. Most of whom I haven't seen in several years. It was really fun to catch up.

We then meet up with more college friends.

We went to see a house light show Christmas Eve too. Check out this family's awesome video shows.

Then there is my family. My sister bought us all snuggies. Best Christmas present ever.

And of course the highlight of my trip was...Makenzie!! I can't believe how big she is.

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