

Monday, January 26, 2009


One of my new year's "resolutions" was to cook more. I haven't done well thus far, but I have cooked for the last two nights. Last night I made King Ranch Chicken, it's a mexican dish, and I made black bean soup tonight. Both were delicious. If you want the recipes let me know.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

20 random things about me...

1. I have run 1 marathon, 4 half-marathon, 1 ten miler, and several smaller races.

2. I don't like the responsibility hotel key cards hold.

3. I can make myself into the human basket.

4. I'm very anal about organizing dvds, books, and cds.

5. I have eaten pizza for every meal for multiple days.

6. I'm going to be an aunt in July.

7. I read 52+ books a year for 3 years.

8. I have watched 80 of the AFI 100 greatest movies, original and updated lists.

9. I used to wear fake glasses, but I recently got real ones.

10. I have visited 10 countries and 30 states.

11. I've never had braces.

12. I hardly ever wear lip gloss or lipstick.

13. I got my license when I was 19. It wasn't my choice.

14. I used to hate Coke and only drink Pepsi. Now I only like coke - only in fountain and can form. I don't drink sodas from 20 oz. bottles anymore.

15. My favorite Nachos are from 7-11 and my favorite chips and salas are from Chilis.

16. My favorite tv show growing up was Full House. I still watch re-runs on ABC Family.

17. I once took 9 roles of film at a youth camp.

18. I hate tomatoes, but like most things they make.

19. I had a perm when I was 10.

20. Has 15 days worth of music on my ipod.
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