

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


so, i think that i mentioned wanting to grow my hair out so that i could donate it to locks of love. but the process is taking so long that i don't know if i can do it. i mean i love my hair, well at least most of the time, but i am tired of it being so long. i mean i could donate it now, but that is a little shorter than i want to go. if only i hadn't gotten in trimmed back in Sept. they took off a good inch or two. alas i think i will wait it out. i think i'll make that one of my new years resolutions. i make mine attainable. i was inspired to keep trucking after this weeks extreme makeover home edition. the lady had cancer and her neighbors came out to donate for locks of love. i know its cheesy, but i was really touched. those shows always make me tear up. i am going to try and wait till i can go home to get it cut too. i found a lady there, the one that did my hair for the wedding, who i trust enough to cut this much and make it stylish. i also might add some color, a darker hue. it makes me excited so hopefully i'll be able to wait.

Friday, November 25, 2005

black friday

was there any other barve souls that weathered the crowds today? david and i were totally out there at 4am in the 23 degree weather, freezing i might ad, just to get into best buy. the line was already a block and a half long when we showed up. we went there for a tv, dvds, and a laptop. at least we got two out of three. so this tv we got is really sweet. well i guess we don't actually have it yet, but it's a plamsa 42 tv. they are delivering it mon. and it only took us three hours from when we got there till when we left. i then headed over to target and the mall. we are really fortunate that all our shopping is within walking distance. i got a few other things for christmas, and i think that we are going to brave another mall here pretty soon! I LOVE the holiday shopping time! any excuse to do shopping is ok with me. we are even going to get chickfila for breakfast!!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

the amazing panda

so as some of you might now, the DC zoo house a few of the only pandas in the US. Well, a baby was born about 4 months ago, and hasn't been seen by the public yet. You could view him view the web cam. Well since he is growing and getting better, they issued passes to friends of the zoo to come and visit him before the general public is allowed. Keep in mind that these tickets are free. Well, people who were given these tickets sold them on E-bay for hundreds of $$$$, and they won't even get to see Xiang because you have to show a photo ID when you present your tickets and the names on their master sheet have to match. So, these people are out hundreds of bucks. Why are we so impatient??? It's a panda. Well I have my own struggles with waiting. When I want something I want it then. It has been a good lesson for me, because getting things right away isn't always the best answer even when we have waited a long time. the sad part about it is that someone was willing to perform favors for tickets. i am disgusted and ashamed of our generation.

Have you checked out yet? It's a great way to buy and sell stuff without fees.

thanksgiving thanks

Here is what I am thankful for:

A Aruba, apples, granny smith to be exact
B Books
C Chilis chips and salsa
D David, and dentists
E Exciting new adventures
F Family, new and old
G Gnomes, and the status and prizes they are associated with
H Home
I Ice skating, i get to do it in front of the White House this year
J Journals
K Kittes, I really want one
L Love and what it can do for your soul
M McClean Bible Church, marriage, metro rides
N Netflix, i wish I still had it
O Online blogging
P Pie, being a Princess
Q Quality time with the people you love
R Running
S Small group, they have been a great blessing, and sex
T TV, we might get a new one
U being Understood
V Victory in Jesus
W Washington DC
X X-MAS, CHRISTmas time, songs, decorations, candy;
Y Yellow, it just brightens up my day
Z Zany Friends

Monday, November 21, 2005

another monday

so my weekend was busy and relaxing. the dinner cruise was amazing. DC is spectacular at night. the air outside was a little crisp, but we went out to enjoy the view. the cruise lasted about 3 hours and was filled with dinner and dancing. afterwards, the rest of the group went to see harry potter, it was late and i wasn't feeling up to it, plus you really have to want to see a movie here. they are $10 each and I might as well wait and buy it on DVD for less. I guess I am not the biggest HP fan, sorry if I offended anyone.

the turkey outreach was interesting. it could have been a bit more organized, but I am glad that i went. For the first couple of hours we didn't really do much because everything was under control. we were face painting the kids faces while their parents waited in line. the face painting got way out of control. i am not complaining, but we had hard core stage make-up first of all. then we had some other volunteers (not with our group) come over and try and take over. it was ok to have extra help, however they didn't know about the paint, and how it won't wash out, so they were putting it on little girl's eyes, and they were smearing it all over themselves. then when we tried to reorganize, they came in an just started painting kids without any line or anything. It was a little frustrating. Anyway, we gave away almost 200 turkey dinners to people in need. It was really a blessing to help out. on our way home, a man stopped us and told us he was thankful that we came to help and he added that he was greatful that we loved God. i was expecting him to say thanks for the turkey, but that's not what he said. it really impressed me.

i got my x-mas decorations out, well the few I have. I think that we are going to buy a tree this weekend. we don't really have anywhere to put it, but we need one. i found out yestarday that my parents will not be able to come for Christmas. It makes me kinda sad. this will be the first complete holiday without my family. I realize that David is my family now, but it will just be different. Since, they won't be coming we might plan a trip to good ole MO during January. hopefully tickets will be less expensive then.

Friday, November 18, 2005

i want a lazy weekend

well from the title you can probably figure out that i have a busy weekend ahead. my small group is going on a dinner cruise tonight along the potomac. it is going to be so cold, but i am hoping a lot of fun. one of the guys was given vouchers so it's free and includes five course, plus dinner and dancing. i am hoping to get off work early to get there early. i am really excited.

tomorrow is the turkey outreach. i'm not sure what to expect. i think it's going to be fun and cold. i am praying that it warms up to 50.

ok, so after that i might have a lazy weekend, and when i say lazy i mean time to clean and decorate for the holidays.

i really want to watch perfect man too this weekend.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

finally a new post

ok, so maybe I have been slacking here...but i have been busy, not interesting busy just busy. so, this might be a little random.

i was intoduced to this great game over the weekend. settlers. i know what you are thinking..dumb a game about pilgrims.., but no it's more about bartering and rolling the dice. it's not gambling or anything. you try and build roads and settlements, then try and get the largest army.... it's so much fun, and a little vicious. you have to play it beleive it. and since i won the last game i am forever lord of katan!!!!

i am getting a new boss next week. i don't know what to think. will we get along, is he nice, is he laidback. it's a little nerve racking. i have gotten used to and along with my current boss, but i knew it wouldn't last forever, but i hoped it would be longer. there are a few more additions to my team as well.

my small group is participating in a turkey outreach this weekend. the church is hosting it, and we are going into DC to hand out turkeys. it should be interesting as well as fun. i think we are celebrating thanksgiving on sun too. i guess i'll find out tonight.

i really want to start decorating for the holidays, but my place is such a mess. we don't have room for everything!!!! and that means that I will have to clean, which we are in desperare need of. maybe i can do those things this weekend, but I need to be crafty this weekend too. oh the dilema. i guess cleaning will have to come first, because david's dad is coming for thanksgiving. i think i am going to try and make a meal. i heard those laughs, never fear i am probably going to buy an already made turkey or chicken and make some sides. part of the reason for this, is because I want to make the table festive, and i bought some new things. it's definitely an incentive for me.

my wedding pictures will arrive next week!!! I am really excited!!

i was introduced to a recipe for sweet and sour chicken too. i was delicious, and i have a recipe for chinese pancakes. mmmm.. i guess i am hungry. i think i might make those this weekend. i'll let you know how they turn out.

i found out someone else is having a you know who it is? Josh and Allyson. I feel very overwhelmed. too many people are pregnant. i know some people are all about it, but i still feel so young. there is so much that i want to do before that responsibilty comes my way. does anyone else feel like me, or am i weird? you can be honest. i guess the people that i know who are pregnant have been married for almost 2 years or at least close to that.

well i can't think of anything else to write. hope you all enjoyed that. was it worth waiting for? the next one will be better i promise.

Monday, November 07, 2005


yestarday was the perfect day, weather wise. david and i are training for another half marathon, this time in virginia beach running along the ocean. i am very excited, but not to excited about running. however yestarday we went running in one of the nearby parks, and it was so beautiful and refreshing. there is a path that runs along the lake and the trees were shedding their leaves, oh it was perfect. later on, we went on a motorcycle ride with some friends through another virginia park. they are supposed to the best parks. i have to say that it was truly beautiful as well. it reminded me of driving on Hwy 63 going to jeff city. i must clarify something first, i wasn't actually riding on the bike, i was driving behind everyone. i don't have a helmet so i couldn't ride. it was a little sad because it was so beautiful out. we went down to another lake or tributary and watched the sunset. i do have one complaint about virginia parks, they make you pay!!! seriously i don't remember any parks in mo that make you pay to drive through them.

i finally finshed up a book that i have been trying to read for 2 weeks now. never fear, i been reading another book too. i think that i have burnt myself out on reading as much. don't get me wrong i still like to read, but i am just not as motivated to read as often. i do want to read pride and prejudice. anyone have any good suggestions for the first book of a book club? i am trying to put together all the loose ends for my book club next year, but the most important thing has yet to come to me, what book. i am desperately in need of suggestions.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


hey guys i have a prayer request. a friend of mine just lost her baby this week and is going to have a surgery tonight to have it removed. i know that she is really upset and is going to need extra support these next few weeks.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

hodge podge

so i know that i have really been slacking on the post recently, but nothing exciting and worthwhile have been worthy of posting. but here goes some random thoughts.

this week has been amazing, weather wise. low 70's and high 60's, fall has finally made it's return. i thought we were going to skip right over fall this season. it was like 40's -50's for two weeks. i held strong though and didn't use the heater, but we do have a small portable one that came out to play. it even made me blow a fuse one morning while i was preparing for work. but, my electrician skills saved me.
i get to wear skirts againg, becuase of the beautiful weather. if you didn't know, that is one of my favorite items this year, along with the gaucho pants that are really comfortable. one the topic of clothes i have a new favorite item of fall, except I can't find my size and they look a little silly on me. they are the tweed capris that i really want, the ones that you wear with boots. oh yeah you know they are cute.

about work...on mon. we had a halloween contest and party and guess who won, that's right me!!! home-made costumes are the best. i was the queen of hearts. i'll try to post a picture. also work related news i think i am winning or at least my team is winning this knowledgenet contest. it's a web server that we have that contains documents that might be helpful to other associations. it's kinda cool, and we earn points that can be used for airfare and other stuff. oh, I have so much work to do.

so here's my last set of thoughts. i was reading this book and it was talking about guidance and how sometimes we don't want to be under authority because it makes us uncomfortable. well here is another way of looking at it. god let's you and i dance, then we will be more willing to go under his guidance. my other thing is i have been working on praying. at times it has been a strong suit, and then for a while it fell by the wayside. sometimes i feel that if i am not where i want to be spiritually, then there is no reason to pray. but i am learning more about prayer. i know it is a powerful tool, but for me it takes a lot of effort. but i am proud to say that for the past month and a half, i have been consistent in praying as i walk to work. i didn't think that it was good enough, because most days that's the all time i would spend with God. however, a friend pointed out to me that since that was an area that i was struggling with, just maybe God was using that as my quiet time and teaching me how to pray more effectively. it's like second nature now. i think we forget sometimes that our quiet time isn't a set of rituals that someone has set up for us, but it is a moving of the spirit.

well that's all for now.
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